Jenevive had been asking to go to Disney princesses on ice, but with our trip, there was no way I was going to buy tickets for the show. Her very lucky Aunt JuJu won 4 tickets for Wednesday nights show. We had taken Jen when she was very little, but Lanie had never been before so she had no idea what to expect. They were both very excited to just get dressed up and wear their tiaras.The girls had a blast and were glued to the ice the entire time. It was fun watching Lanie's eyes in such amazement. It was all Lanie talked about the next day, and kept asking when she could go again. Thank you Aunt JuJu for such a fun night!
In Jenevive's classroom everyone is assigned a day to be the VIP of the day. Basically you and a helper take the attendance down to the office, you are first in line for everything, get to bring in a show and tell and the best part get to bring in a snack and drink for everyone.
I love to bake so Jen usually brings in some sort of homemade goodie. Since Halloween is right around the corner, I thought candy corn cupcakes would be fun to bring in. You make a regular white cake batter and divide into three bowls. I used food coloring to make orange and yellow batter then layered it in a muffin liner. I've also made rainbow cupcakes using 5 or 6 different colors which were fun to bite into.
Jimmy wanted to bring in a snack for his class as well, so I made cute little mini cupcakes for all of his friends at school. I thought it wouldn't be a problem... I was was wrong. This is what the container looked like when I got it back at the end of the day:
I don't even know how you could make this happen. I'm thinking you would have to shake the crap out of it to even come close. I have no idea what they even looked like when he brought them in the class. I asked him what happened and he just said the bus made a stop and they flew all around. All I could do was laugh. The teacher must have thought I was nuts. They did end up eating them he said - what a mess.
While we were shopping this past weekend we found a huge bucket with 72 army men, army tanks, an airplane and some barricade's. The best part was that it was on sale for $5.oo. It has probably been the best $5.00 I have ever spent.
Normally I don't buy toys with a gazillion pieces, but I'm glad I did. This bucket kept Jimmy busy for well over a hour. He took his time setting everything up"just right".
He lined up all of his cars on one side, and his army men on the other. He is very much into anything to do with the Army right now.