We have made every excuse to eat out : the kids are picky-they can order what they want , it was a long day at work ( BIG lie since I didn't work this summer), or the best one- I just don't wanna and you can't make me do it. Our goal is to save enough to take the kids to see the Mouse by the end of the year and we think this is the best way to start saving. That is incentive enough for me. So, as you enjoy your meals out this year, think of us and say a little kitchen prayer for me. This is the one I have in my kitchen:
God bless my little kitchen,
I love it's every nook.
And bless me as I do my work,
Wash pots and pans and cook.
And may the meals that I prepare,
Be seasons from above,
With thy great blessing and Thy grace
But most of all Thy love.
So bless my little kitchen God
And those who enter in,
May they find naught but joy
and happiness therein.
I will will add please to not let me burn my meals nor poison anyone .