During the same week, I was put in my place by that very child who once never talked back. When Jen was younger everyone would say just wait until you can't stop her from talking your ear off...it will happen one day and then you'll be sorry. I used to think yeah right! Everyone else's child spoke clearly it's easy to say when your not the one going through it. I should have listened and enjoyed the silence.
So, last week we were in the store and snow boots were on sale. I told Jen let's go look and check them out. Well, the boots were on sale for $30.00 - not that great of a deal when you have to buy two pairs. I said " $30.00 that is not a sale. Why is everything so expensive ?" Jen then replied very loudly and clear as can be " Do you want to know why everything is so expensive? It's because your so cheap!!" **My mouth just dropped and I said" Who taught you how to talk?" My day had come! Jimmy is now in the same program and I can hardly wait to get a piece from him as well one day.
*** I am very cheap and I don't mind!!I am very proud of myself when I come home and save more then I spend, and I know in my heart that I will get those same boots for 1/2 price-even if it's in July.
You will never forget some of the stuff that comes out of your children's mouths, and lucky you, you have a full out version for all of mankind to read about, FOREVER posted out there on the world wide!! lol..Marc asked me one day, when he was about three, he was tugging onto his sleeves of his shirt, "If these are called arm sleeves, why arent these (his pant legs) called "foot-sleeves?" I will NEVER forget that, as I only could think, this kid was too smart!!...a regular "smarty-pants"! Love that you are back my dear niece!