Dinner in the Thornton household is never fun. I do not enjoy cooking and my kids do not enjoy eating. Neither one of them like much meat and only like a handful of vegetables, so most nights they eat some sort of pasta, fruit or vegetable and the required one bite of meat.
Tonight Jenna thought it might be easier if she didn't have to look at the food that was going into her mouth. Choosing to pick my battles, I thought there was no harm in that request and let her get her eye mask. All of the "nasty" food I had made for dinner made it into her mouth and I did not hear any gagging noises. Dinner was somewhat free from whining and bartering tonight. From now on, Helen Keller will be at my dinner table each night.

Jimmy however, did not fall for this trick. Since Jenna was not complaining Jimmy thought he would get into this action too. Going for the gold, I stuck a piece of meatball (again nasty food) into his mouth which you would have thought was a bull testicle by the gagging, crying and the jaw which would not close for 3 1/2 minutes (yes, I did time it). He did swallow it eventually and will not be playing that game tomorrow.
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