So truth be told this whole cooking at home thing isn't
really going over to well. The kids are refusing to eat what I make and the answer has been to go to bed hungry and see you at breakfast in the morning. As I found out tonight, Jimmy had another plan. When I went into his room I found his mouth full of something and he just had that look. I asked him what was in his mouth several times, and finally when he wouldn't answer me, I held his nose like a crazy lady until his mouth opened and all the the
contraband came out. That wasn't enough for me, I still had to find his stash. As I looked around, his eyes were focused with fear on one spot-- under his workbench. This is what I found.

That child had not been starving until the morning as we thought. He had set up a buffet in his room! I have been trying to make things that we all like, but I guess the change is harder then I thought for them. Tonight Jim had given Jimmy his plate and he yelled " Mom look what Dad put on my plate . YUCK!!" I told him I knew what was on his plate since I made it. When I made chicken, Jimmy asked "next time you make chicken can you get it from
McDonald's?" Then Jenna asked my Father-In-Law today if he could pick her up
every night before dinner and take her out to eat with them. I guess eventually they will just eat what I make.