Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
a href="">Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Jen has been at that age for a while now, where she loves to spend the night over other peoples houses, and loves to have people over ours. Even though I have been to tons of sleepovers growing up-and loved going- I have never been one of those moms who has is excited about having sleepovers at my house. Some of her friends have multiple friends over each weekend and she has been wanting the same. Jim and I have been trying to let the cord stretch a bit with her, so I kinda slipped the idea to Jim a couple of days before about letting Jen have a New Years Eve sleepover. I figured they wouldn't be sleeping into midnight anyways, we'll just to on that night.

We had ordered pizza(yeah a meal not cooked at home-and I swear it was the best pizza I have ever had!) and had chocolate fondue. It is one of our favorite desserts, some of the girls had never had it before. We had pineapple, banana, strawberries, marshmallows and rice crispy treats to dunk in the chocolate. We probably should of had that a little later in the night since it jazzed up all of the kids.

Jimmy found the horns a bit early and so did all of the girls.You gotta love listening to that for hours before midnight.

Jim sure did! Jen ordered a horn blowing rampage on him.

They had to try out their (sugar induced) cheerleading stunts-it kept them busy for a while. Jimmy even ended up on top of the pyramid-future cheerleader-I don't know?

So I thought that buying those poppers we used to do when I was little was a good idea-but it wasn't. The kids loved doing them, but they were not the same kind I used to do. When I was little they were bottle shaped and all of the string paper was attached to itself-minimal cleaning up. Well, this stuff had shredded Mylar (staticy mess) pieces inside. Not wanting to clean it up at midnight, I had the girls sleep on it for good luck.
After, we had ORGANIC (since I paid what I paid for the stinking bottle, I'm gonna make sure it is capitalized) sparkling apple cider. The girls loved the glasses and used them again at breakfast. Here comes the best story of the whole thing:
The next morning I made breakfast for the girls, and while we were eating, the discusion of their mom's ages came up. Great-I already knew I was the oldest. One of the girls said " My mom is old - she's 26". Then Jenna ( I love her so much for this) threw her Dad under the bus and said " Well my Dad is 40!!!!" Jim and I just laughed as the girls started saying no way 40 is old. I then had to tell the girls that he is not 40-but almost, and Jim had to defend himself and tell them that 40 isn't old anyways. Morgan said" If you were forty- you would be in a wheelchair!" That just hurts!!!!

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