To appreciate the mess,I need to remember the time when Jim and I didn't think we were going to be able to have children. We were told that it may not be possible to become pregnant with his condition, and if we could get pregnant, I my not able to keep the pregnancy with my conditions. I remember telling a co-worker "All I want is a car seat with smashed Oreo's in it and fingerprints on my walls". If I had only known then that our baby dreams would come true, I would have asked for a short labor and a baby that sleeps through the night.
I need to realize more often that I am very lucky for the following:
1)My kids have enough to eat- so much so that they don't realize when the crumbs hit the floor. Many kids without food would scrap those crumbs from the floor.
2) My kids have been blessed many times over with too many toys and clothes. They may not always have the newest gadget or fancy label on their outfits- but they are clean, without holes and fit.
3) We live in a house that is considered small to most, but we have a house with enough room, working heat and running water. Now a days that is not so easy to say.
So, I am very thankful for my messy house with all of it's crumbs, piles of toys, dirty dishes and laundry. If I didn't have these things, I wouldn't feel half as blessed as I am.
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