I can't
believe it's been 7 years already. The time has flown by in an instant.
I can still remember the day I found out that I was pregnant. I sat staring at the test in total disbelief. Never in a
million years did Jim and I think it would have been so easy to
I enjoyed everything about being pregnant: the morning sickness, the swollen feet, feeling her move and even the maternity clothes. We knew how blessed we were and I was thankful everyday for just being able to
experience the whole thing.
I loved planing her
nursery just right,
shopping for
girly clothes and reading every book possible. I had picked out a
perfect name- I could picture just how perfect it would look on her future wedding
invitation. She was our first baby and I wanted everything to be done perfectly. Life has a way of throwing a curve ball at you and that all goes out the window.
Due to very high blood pressure, I ended up
having stress tests done every other day which led to bed rest and finally being induced a bit early. After a very LONG labor, my
beautiful daughter was born on August 26th, 2003 at 4:55pm at 6lbs 10 oz and 19 inches long. She had huge blue eyes and was just as
perfect as could be. She made me a Mommy.

Grandma Chance started out the birthday celebrations by bringing over a couple of outfits, one which she wore for her big day.

Too cute!! This is what seven looks like. Silver leggings, a purple sparkly skirt and a glitter top.

This year Jen wanted to have a spa day for a few of her friends. I found a beauty school where the girls could each have an up-do and pick either a manicure of pedicure. I would have loved this when I was little.

Jen got a poof in the front with a ton of curls and braids in the back. Each of the girl was excited to show off their own "do". I had bought them each a hot pink
tiera which completed the look.

Lanie loved being with the older girl's and
completely enjoyed her manicure. She chose Hot pink polish on one hand and purple on the other.

The fact that they could watch the Disney Chanel and the chairs have a remote which you can make them do just about anything was enough for the girls. They ruled the roost at the school. All of the students kept coming in and watching the girls have a blast.
Even though I didn't get an up-do or my nails done, I had just as much fun watching all of the girls faces light up the entire time.

This is the "before" picture.

And this is the "after".

All of the primping mad everyone hungry , so we headed out to Red Robbins for lunch. The girls loved all of the
ooh's and awe's from
everyone. They had so much fun showing off their new looks.

And after we had the best hello Kitty
birthday cake. I love having my little girl.
JimBobby would never go for all of this! Ha Ha!

She had a wait for her Daddy to come home before she opened up her gifts from Jimmy. He got her a paint your own Hello Kitty bank, a I Carly calender, two smelly pencils- they are
supposed to smell- a pink top she had wanted and a few other things.

She loved all of her gifts and gave him a huge hug. We finished the day at Texas Roadhouse where they announced her birthday and
stoped by Grandma and Papa
Doptis' house. After a very long day, she crashed watching
TV in my bed with her Daddy. Only 364 more days until she's 8!!!