We were very thankful for the water balloons this year. It was very muggy and it felt great to get wet.
Jen had a plastic egg on a spoon race, a knock the milk bottles down game and a race.
Jimmy won a nerf air gun which he has since lost all but one dart. He also got a light up dinosaur water gun from a children's raffle.
Jen's prize was this bug catcher kit. Can you feel my excitement about having bugs trapped in a cage in my house??? She has been wanting one for a while and I have dodged that one until she saw it in the prize bucket. Rules for the bug cage are as follows:
1) The bug cage is just for observing bugs up close and they must be released once inspected.
2) Bugs are not pets. They must go back to their parents.
3) The bug cage is to stay outside while housing any animals.
4) There is a 2 hour limit on housing animals. They will be missed by their parents if they are gone longer then that.
Injury of the day. Jen somehow stepped on something and sliced her foot open. When I asked her what she stepped on she just said "Something rusty". Are you asking for a tetanus shot??? My cousin's wife is a paramedic and thought she could use a stitch. So I tried to get it to stop bleeding a little to take her to the urgent care. When I looked up I had 20 people looking down at us all giving me a hundred different suggestions - one which involved using super glue. I decided to use a butterfly stitch and band aid and see if it would stop bleeding. After several hours, it started bleeding again so I wanted to take her in. I found out that stitches had be done within a couple of hours or they can't be done so no stitches for her. I should have just taken her in to begin with.
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