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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A New School Year

With a new Hello Kitty backpack, Jenevive was ready for the new school year. This year she is in second grade and has an awesome teacher-Mrs Mack. I know she will have a great year.

She was thrilled to see some of her friends again. The only down side was that the girls were split into two different classes again, so they will only see each other during recess and lunch.

Kaiden met up with us on the school yard for the first day.. He is going into first grade this year. Their classrooms are right across for each other this year and they wait together in the morning for the doors to open. The only problem is that Jenna has graduated to the "Big Kid's" playground and Kaiden still has to stay at the littler one. They did make arrangements to meet in the middle at the wood chips during recess. They are too funny! They act like an old married couple some times.

Jenna and her BFF Angel. They are still in the same class this year, so that made Jen very happy.

The next day Jimmy started 4 year old preschool in his new school. He has Mrs Faller and Mrs Adrianne and his best friend Christian is in his class again this year. Due to budget cuts, they closed his old school and moved his class into another elementary. Of course it couldn't have been at Jenna's school- that would have been too easy. The school year has only just started and I'm already looking forward to next year when they will go together in one school and Jimmy will be in all day Kindergarten.

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