Jimmy is not a very artsy kid. He doesn't like to draw, color, glue or do art projects of any kind. He will cut paper in a million pieces and that the extent of it. Each Sunday at Sunday School the kids will do some sort of project. Sometimes he will participate and sometimes he will not. He's not a difficult child, that just how he is. Today he decided to participate and brought home his project which he colored and glued crepe paper to. I was very impressed. Now Jenna will make projects all day long. She loves to draw and is pretty good at it. Usually I am very proud of her artwork, but not today. This is what she made in Sunday School:
As we picked her up from her classroom, she announced that she had made a picture. A picture of Jimmy being the devil. Really? In Sunday School that's what you choose to draw? Not a rainbow, butterflies, hearts or even a cross? There it is my little Jimmy with horns and a tail. She could tell we were not happy about her art at all. On the way home she said "Guess what. A boy in my class said the word P-O-O-P." I asked her what do you think is worse, saying that word or drawing a picture of your brother as the devil. The ride home was quiet.
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