Every year we spend New Years Eve at
Julie's house. It's lots of finger foods, noise and
running around until the clock
strikes 12 and then we pack up our crew and head home at 12:05. I know, we are huge party animals.

This year we had the addition of Just dance. We all danced the night away.

Lanie Bug was a dancing queen
with her pink fuzzy slippers- she partied her little behind off.

Jimmy had to remove his shirt- he was working it so hard.

Even Grandma got into the grove. Julie and I had a dance off- no pictures for that since I do the editing.

Poor Lanie didn't even make it to 11:00pm. So pooped
herself out.

Jen thought she was hot stuff drinking
sparkling cider out of a fancy glass.

When the countdown began, the kids
grabbed their horns and made some noise. Happy 2011!!!
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