When I checked the little : Yes, I would love to
chaperone ( a day off of work and have a great time with Jen and her friends in nice warm sunny weather) the zoo
field trip, never in a million years did I think that it would not only rain but down right pour , thunder and lightning. But it did. We
didn't even get off the bus and it was a complete mess. Jen and I had umbrellas and only one out of the other 4 kids had a rain
poncho. So, even though we all were already
drenched, off to the gift shop to buy overpriced plastic rain ponchos we went.
Can you guess how fun it
isn't to keep track of 5 kids with yellow ponchos on when every other child in the zoo is also wearing the same thing? I grabbed my sharpie and wrote their first initial on their back.

We visited everything indoors - the reptile house,
amphibians, penguins and polar bears. The kids had fun playing on the frogs- you know,
cuz they
weren't wet enough.

My poor drenched kids. The rain didn't phase them too much. They has a blast trying to see just how wet they could get. The boys had a hard time with their pants- they were weighed down with being so heavy from the rain.

It finally cleared up the last 20 minutes we were there-just in time for the obligatory fountain picture.

The bus ride home was so nice. Most of the kids feel asleep on each other and the rest didn't even have enough energy to talk.
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