I am a mean mom. I make my kids follow the rules, eat their vegetables, wear clean clothes, brush their teeth and hair and clean their rooms. I know I am the meanest mom because I have been told so
several times. So in order to keep my title, I have done the following :
1) I have told my kids that there are cameras installed throughout our home, my work and any public place we are at. Tapes can be viewed at anytime - I cant tell you how many confessions I have gotten just by telling them that we are going to the other room to watch them.
Brilliant I know.
2) If you can't get along with your sibling - you will hold hands on the couch until you love each other again. This one I got from my mom- Julie and I now love each other.
3)If your rooms are trashed and you do not pick it up after telling you multiple times, I will pack it up in the garbage bag. It usually only take the sound of the
garbage bag being snapped in the air to get their butts moving.
4) There was a time were J
enevive kept putting her hair in her mouth. I had
warned her I would cut it if she
didn't listen. She
didn't listen. I calmly walked over to her and cut off the section that was in her mouth - she
hasn't done it again.
5) And here is the latest:

Jimmy was chewing gum and I warned him several times to throw it in the garbage when he was finished. He decided to swallow it instead, so I told him it would stay in his tummy until he had to fart and a huge bubble would come out. He
didn't want to believe me, but he was scared. Well that boy , who is all boy, held it in for as long as he could. He was afraid everyone would see it. So the next day, he just so happened to take a nap and I knew I only had a small window to get him. So I blew up a small orange
balloon ( the same color as the gum) placed it by his
bottom and snaped away. When he woke up I told him I had something to show him on the camera. His eyes were huge and he instantly was
embarrassed. I still
haven't told him the truth and he still
hasn't swallowed another piece of gum.
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