Thank You to everyone who bought a box or ten of Girl Scout cookies. All of the profits went to sending to girls to camp this year. Jen and I were soo excited to go to sleep-away camp, we could hardly wait.

We had eight moms and eight Daisy girls on the trip. Even though Camp Hawthorn is only 30 minutes away, to the girls it seemed liked an eternity. The weatherman said to expect thunderstorms all weekend, but we didn't believe him---we should have.

When we got to the camp (9:00am and RAINING) we checked in and put everything- by everything, I mean enough for a small army- into a huge cart and they pulled it to our cabin. The girls had to carry their pillows and sleeping bags themselves. During the entire walk, which was probably 1/4 mile they complained about the bugs, the heat, the RAIN and how their legs were about to fall off. Imagine that, legs just sitting in the middle of the road.

By the time we reached the cabin the girls were exhausted and needed a break from the great outdoors. Each girl got to pick out their own bunk and by the end of the night, they had all switched spots again.

Exhausted by another long walk, the girls were happy to see the pool. Our time slot was from 10:00am - 12:pm and it didn't matter that it RAINED the entire time. If we didn't use the pool we lost our slot. So the girls played in the rain and the moms hid under the covering.

The plan was to cook a hot dog lunch over the fire, but since it was still RAINING, we had to cook them inside. The cabin was huge with 14 sets of bunk beds, a separate room for the leaders, a huge stocked kitchen and bathroom- no outhouses for us!!

We were happy that all of the girls played so well with each other. The girls all had their turn playing hostess in their own bunk.

One of the leaders was in charge of a salt clay project. It consist of 1 cup of salt, 6 cups of flour and some water. The plan was to have the girls each mold in into something special to take home with them. For a brief moment, the RAIN stopped and we decided to take the project outside. Everything was going good, until we discovered we had only brought a salt shaker with us, not close to the cup we needed. A mom ran inside and found a replacement....garlic salt. Same thing right ??? So the girls all made a treasure out of garlic salt clay. Some made it into a heart some made little bowls and a few very lucky moms got a garlic salt clay necklace to wear- good if they ever ran into a vampire.

For dinner we made pocket potatoes and vegetables and grilled chicken. The girls were less than thrilled but all of the moms loved it.

This one is Jenna's. It consisted of carrots and butter only. She did not like the food and next to the bugs this was her biggest complaint.

Finally after spending almost 10 hours cooped up in a cabin with the RAIN outside, it was time for bed and time for the moms to get their cards on. After the long day, they fell asleep very easy. Jen had a good time and said she would want to go again. The mom decided that we would go "camping" at The Great Wolf Lodge next year instead.
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