This is the first picture of Jimmy as a four year old. Every year I take a picture of my kids when they first wake up. Since he is done with school, he got to sleep in and when he woke up I had
his favorite new drink -Pink milk and chocolate milk mixed together - ready for him. We had his birthday party on Saturday, so today was pretty low key. We asked him what he wanted to do and he picked going to Jim's
softball game and bring brownies for the players. Too easy.

He waited all day to open his present from us. I told him he had to wait until Jim came home, but at 5:30 he couldn't wait any longer. Please
disregard the three different types of wrapping paper one of which is Care Bears. It was slim pickings in my house. Besides the whole 18
inches of
actual birthday wrapping paper, I had to choose from the following : pink princess birthday, Care Bears,
Hanukkah, Christmas and welcome new baby. Care Bears won. A long time ago when I actually had a
second to breath and a few brain cells left to remember
important things like wrapping paper, I would take great pride in picking out just the right paper with matching card. Well, two kids later that pretty much went out the window. I can't even imagine what would happen with one more kid. The Poor child would probably get the gift in the Toys R Us bag.

Jenna Picked out a school bus Monster Jam truck for Jimmy. As you can tell, he loved it.

He gave her a big hug and kiss - too cute!

Happy Birthday to my little Jimmy Bobby. You are a loving,
wonderful, spunky and full of life little boy. You have mad us smile, laugh, and at time pull our hair out. I can't imagine my life without you!!!!!