On Friday,Aunt Shawn and Uncle Tom invited us to go on their new boat to watch the fireworks on the water. Jimmy had never been on a boat before so I wasn't sure how he would like it , but he LOVED it!! We left around 7:00 and had a nice long boat ride before the fireworks started. Cody 5, Jimmy 4, Ryan 2 1/2 and Jenevive 6 1/2
Me and my favorite little man.
Jen spent almost the entire time in this seat. She was in her glory perched at the front of the boat.
The only spot she liked more was at the back on this lounger. She must have been royalty in another life, because she soaks this stuff right up.
Grandma Thornton and Ryan snuggling up with each other. For as hot as it was, it get cold real fast on the water.
All of the boys in the back of the boat. We were completely out numbered.
Uncle Tom let each of the kids drive for a bit. Jimmy could barley see over the wheel, but he had a blast anyway.
And Jen was on a mission to hit some big waves to get Grandma Thornton soaked. She had a little help from her uncle.
The moment they had been waiting for! We had perfect seats for the show. I would much rather be on the water than be in the park with all of the crazies. Jen was the only one who crashed on the ride back to the dock. Thank you Tom and Shawn. We had a great time and can't wait to do it again.
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