Jenevive had her Girl Scout Bridging last week and is officially a Brownie now. Her ceremony started of with the Girl Scout Promise. I still remember it from when I was a brownie: On my honor, I will try: To serve God and my country, To help people at all times, And to live by the Girl Scout Law. She was very excited to receive all of her prizes from selling 303 boxes of cookies. She received a t-shirt, a deck of playing cards, a wallet, a photo frame, a tie dyedbandanna and a journal.
She also received a certificate and her brownie pin and bridging patch for her new brown uniform.
In the bag were a ton of patches she earned this year including horse back riding, camping, cookie sales and much more.
She has earned so many patches over the past two years that we had to put some of them on the front. I am very thankful for the great leaders she has had this year and last year. They have put so much time into making great memories for all of the girls.
WTG Jenna... now your a brownie.... and look at all those badges.. you make your grandma very proud of you.... love you bunches